Full CV: Download

PhD, University of Oxford (2016-2021): Download
Thesis title: Subgrain-size piezometry as a tool for measuring stress in polymineralic rocks
Supervisors: Lars N. Hansen, David Wallis, and Kathryn M. Kumamoto

Academic positions

2023–present Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Lakehead University

Project: Gold distribution in deformed quartzites

Supervisor: Dr Noah Phillips

2023–2023 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of British Columbia, Okanagan

Project: Metal distributions in deformed sulphides and oxides

Supervisor: Dr Brendan Dyck

2021–2023 Postdoctoral Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Project: Transformation plasticity as a transient creep mechanism in Earth’s crust and mantle

Supervisor: Dr Andrew Cross


Goddard, R. M., Hansen, L. N., Wallis, D., Stipp, M., Holyoke III, C., Kumamoto., K. M., and Kohlstedt, D. (2020). A subgrain-size piezometer calibrated for EBSD. Geophysical Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL090056

Dyck, B., Goddard, R. M., Wallis, D., Hansen, L. N., and Martel, E. (2020). Metamorphic evolution of the Great Slave Lake shear zone. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, https://doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12576

Bidgood, A., Parsons, A., Lloyd, G., Waters, D., and Goddard, R. M. (2020). EBSD analysis of palisade quartz textures: A new criterion for identifying UHP metamorphism in continental terranes. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, https://doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12566

Wallis, D., Hansen, L. N., Kumamoto., K. M., Thom, C., Plümper, O., Ohl, M., Durham, W. B., Goldsby, D. L., Armstrong, D. E. J., Meyers, C. D., Goddard, R. M., Warren, J. M., Breithaupt, T., Drury, M. R., and Wilkinson, A. J. (2020) Dislocation interactions during low-temperature plasticity of olivine strengthen the lithospheric mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letter, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116349

Funding awards

2023,2024 The EXCITE Network (~£3000) - PI

2022 National Science FouFoundation (NSF OCE-2224725, $641,214 USD) – Co-PI

2018 The Keith Prout Crystallography Fund, Dpt Mineral Sciences, University of Oxford – PI

2018 Mike Coward Fund, The Geological Society of London - PI

2017, 2018 Old Member's Trust, University College, University of Oxford - PI

2017, 2019 Burdett-Couttes Fund, Dpt Earth Science, University of Oxford - PI

Invited Talks (conferences in bold)


EBSD Users meeting: There and back again: Crystallographic signatures and rheological impacts of SiO2 phase transformations

Canadian Tectonics Group: Subgrain-size piezometry: a tool for measuring the strength of polymineralic rocks


Lakehead University: Subgrain-size piezometry: a tool for measuring the strength of polymineralic rocks

University of Leeds, Geophysics and Tectonics seminar series within the School of Earth and Environment: Microstructural Signatures of the Coesite-Quartz transformation: Insights from High-pressure Experiments and EBSD Analysis

University of Oslo, Njord seminar: Subgrain-size piezometry as a tool for measuring stress in polymineralic rocks: new insights and applications

Northwestern University, Woman in Microscopy workshop on International Woman’s Day: There and back again: using microscopy to unlock the secrets of Earth’s interior


American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Transient weakening and microstructures across the quartz-coesite phase transition

Gordon Research Conference: Microstructural Signatures of Quartz-after-Coesite: New Insights from High-Pressure Experiments


University of Minnesota: Measuring stress in ductile polyphase rocks

Utrecht University: The rheology of polyphase rocks


University of British Columbia: Comparing in-situ and ex-situ stress measurements in polymineralic rocks